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Oil and Gas Commission Reports

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Oil and Gas Commission Annual Published Report:

The annual published report contains Informational Graphs, a Report of Secondary Recovery Projects, Production Data for North and South Arkansas, Brine Production, Gas Plants, Refineries, and Crude Oil Treatment Facilities.

Monthly Production Graphs:

Use this report to view graphs and spreadsheet data for monthly production. You can get data by well number, county, company, field, or zone.

North Arkansas Gas Sales:

This report is contains gas production from all wells in the North Arkansas Regional District.

Permits and Completion:

A weekly report for wells in North and South Arkansas. This report is comprised of Drilling Permits, Well Completions, Recompletions and Workovers, Applications to Plug, and Plugging Reports.

Operator Directory:

A listing of all Companies operating within the State of Arkansas.

Severance Tax Rates:

A monthly report for severance tax rates applicable to gas production wells.

South Arkansas Production:

This report is contains oil production from wells in the South Arkansas Regional District.

5301 Northshore Drive,
North Little Rock, AR 72118
Phone: 501-683-5814