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Permit: 38269

Permit Number: 38269 Operator: Merit Energy Company, LLC API: 03-071-10875-00-00
Lease Name: Hurley, Sterlin 3-18-C Well Name: Hurley, Sterlin Well No: 3-18
Well Type: Natural Gas - Dry Well Status: Active District: N
Comments: 500' surface casingorn A32-205-03 amendeddirectional survey required PBHL: 2300' FSL & 2700' FEL; 10/12/05 Request to Commingle Dunn A/R. Barton/Dunn C/P. Barton zones denied due to the mcfd deliverability rate exceeding 500 mcfd. Tbg MPPL @ 5371': 2105' FSUL, 2749' FWUL.